The plan [1] is to write a plugin for Gnucap to support schematic files from gEDA/gschem [2].
Schematics are graphical representation of circuits using abstract symbols showing components and their connections.
The idea for netlist import and export is at the wiki page : Netlist import and export
The technical details on on how this gEDA/gschem plugin is implemented is at the page: Details of gEDA plugin
The schematic files are converted into verilog netlist. The steps involved in parsing the schematic are described below, as observed by working out a few examples manually :
if mirror_flag==0: if angle==0: (pxn,pyn)=(cx,cy) + (+px,+py) elif angle==90: (pxn,pyn)=(cx,cy) + (-py,+px) elif angle==180: (pxn,pyn)=(cx,cy) + (-px,-py) elif angle==270: (pxn,pyn)=(cx,cy) + (+py,-px) elif mirror_flag=1: if angle==0: (pxn,pyn)=(cx,cy) + (-px,+py) elif angle==90: (pxn,pyn)=(cx,cy) + (-py,-px) elif angle==180: (pxn,pyn)=(cx,cy) + (+px,-py) elif angle==270: (pxn,pyn)=(cx,cy) + (+py,+px)
The Flow Chart for parsing the schematic is as follows :
Consider the voltage divider circuit as shown below :
It's schematic voltage_divider.sch is :
v 20100214 2 C 40000 40000 0 0 0 title-B.sym C 44000 49000 1 90 1 voltage-3.sym { T 43300 48800 5 8 0 0 270 2 1 device=VOLTAGE_SOURCE T 43500 48700 5 10 1 1 270 2 1 refdes=Vin T 43500 48800 5 10 1 1 0 0 1 value=10 } C 44100 48900 1 0 0 resistor-1.sym { T 44400 49300 5 10 0 0 0 0 1 device=RESISTOR T 44300 49200 5 10 1 1 0 0 1 refdes=R1 T 44100 48900 5 10 1 1 0 0 1 value=2k } C 45300 48100 1 90 0 resistor-1.sym { T 44900 48400 5 10 0 0 90 0 1 device=RESISTOR T 45000 48300 5 10 1 1 90 0 1 refdes=R2 T 45300 48100 5 10 1 1 0 0 1 value=1k } N 43800 48100 45200 48100 4 C 44200 47800 1 0 0 gnd-1.sym N 43800 49000 44100 49000 5 N 45000 49000 45200 49000 6
The verilog code with just the components (no connections in it yet) is :
//Construction_of_netlist_part1 module voltage_divider(); RESISTOR #(.value(2k)) R1 (.p11(node11),.p12(node12)); RESISTOR #(.value(1k)) R2 (.p21(node21),.p22(node22)); VOLTAGE_SOURCE #(.value(10)) Vin (.p31(node31),.p32(node32)); ground node41; //?? //to add net and placement... endmodule
p11: (44100,49000) ; p12: (45000,49000) ; p21: (45200,48100) ; p22: (45200,49000) ; //when rotate by 90, x and y axis interchange. p31: (43800,49000) ; p32: (43800,48100) ; //when mirror image is taken subtract the co-ordinaates //(Eg :43800=44000-200 and 48100=49000-900) p41: (44300,48100)
The code with the placement of nodes is :
//Construction_of_netlist_part2 module voltage_divider(); RESISTOR #(.value(2k)) R1 (.p11(node11),.p12(node12)); RESISTOR #(.value(1k)) R2 (.p21(node21),.p22(node22)); VOLTAGE_SOURCE #(.value(10)) Vin (.p31(node31),.p32(node32)); ground node41; //?? `ifdef SCHEMATIC //the attributes of 'place' are x,y. x and y are integers, generally multiples of 100. place #(.x(44100),.y(49000)) node11; place #(.x(45000),.y(49000)) node12; place #(.x(45200),.y(48100)) node21; place #(.x(45200),.y(49000)) node22; place #(.x(43800),.y(49000)) node31; place #(.x(43800),.y(48100)) node32; place #(.x(44300),.y(48100)) node41; `endif endmodule
The final verilog netlist is as follows
//Construction_of_netlist_part3_final module voltage_divider(); RESISTOR #(.value(2k)) R1 (.p11(node11),.p12(node12)); RESISTOR #(.value(1k)) R2 (.p21(node21),.p22(node22)); VOLTAGE_SOURCE #(.value(10)) Vin (.p31(node31),.p32(node32)); ground node41; //?? net net1 (node32,node21); //this net connects (43800,48100) to (45200,48100). where nodes node32 and node21 are located resp. net net2 (node31,node11); //similarly for other nets net net3 (node12,node22); `ifdef SCHEMATIC //the attributes of 'place' are x,y. x and y are integers, generally multiples of 100. place #(.x(44100),.y(49000)) node11; place #(.x(45000),.y(49000)) node12; place #(.x(45200),.y(48100)) node21; place #(.x(45200),.y(49000)) node22; place #(.x(43800),.y(49000)) node31; place #(.x(43800),.y(48100)) node32; place #(.x(44300),.y(48100)) node41; `endif endmodule
Now, consider a more complex example: A differential amplifier circuit.
The schematic of the differential amplifier circuit is :
v 20110115 2 C 40000 40000 0 0 0 title-B.sym C 46400 44400 1 0 0 resistor-1.sym { T 46700 44800 5 10 0 0 0 0 1 device=RESISTOR T 46600 44700 5 10 1 1 0 0 1 refdes=Re1 T 46600 44200 5 10 1 1 0 0 1 value=150 } C 47700 44400 1 0 0 resistor-1.sym { T 48000 44800 5 10 0 0 0 0 1 device=RESISTOR T 47900 44700 5 10 1 1 0 0 1 refdes=Re2 T 47900 44200 5 10 1 1 0 0 1 value=150 } C 48800 46900 1 90 0 resistor-1.sym { T 48400 47200 5 10 0 0 90 0 1 device=RESISTOR T 48500 47000 5 10 1 1 90 0 1 refdes=Rc T 48900 47200 5 10 1 1 0 0 1 value=20k } C 47300 44200 1 270 0 current-1.sym { T 48300 43600 5 10 0 0 270 0 1 device=CURRENT_SOURCE T 47800 43900 5 10 1 1 270 0 1 refdes=Ic T 46700 43700 5 10 1 1 0 0 1 value=0.5mA } C 45700 45400 1 0 0 BC547-1.sym { T 46600 46100 5 10 0 0 0 0 1 device=BC547 T 46600 45900 5 10 1 1 0 0 1 refdes=Q1 T 46500 45500 5 10 0 0 0 0 1 footprint=TO92 } C 49300 45400 1 0 1 BC547-1.sym { T 48400 46100 5 10 0 0 0 6 1 device=BC547 T 48400 45900 5 10 1 1 0 6 1 refdes=Q2 T 48500 45500 5 10 0 0 0 6 1 footprint=TO92 } C 47300 47800 1 0 0 vcc-1.sym { T 47100 48000 5 10 1 1 0 0 1 value=10 } C 47200 42700 1 0 0 vcc-minus-1.sym { T 47600 42800 5 10 1 1 0 0 1 value=-10 } N 46300 47800 46300 46400 4 N 46300 45400 46300 44500 4 N 46300 44500 46400 44500 4 N 47300 44500 47700 44500 4 N 48600 44500 48700 44500 4 N 48700 44500 48700 45400 4 N 47500 44200 47500 44500 4 N 48700 46900 48700 46400 4 C 49200 45600 1 0 0 gnd-1.sym C 44900 45800 1 0 0 input-1.sym { T 44900 46100 5 10 0 0 0 0 1 device=INPUT T 45100 46100 5 10 1 1 0 0 1 pinlabel=Vi } C 48700 46500 1 0 0 output-1.sym { T 48800 46800 5 10 0 0 0 0 1 device=OUTPUT T 49300 46800 5 10 1 1 0 0 1 pinlabel=Vo } N 46300 47800 48700 47800 4
Following the process for parsing schematic, the first step is
//Netlist_part1 module diffamp() begin; RESISTOR #(.value(150)) Re1 (.p1(node1_1),.p2(node1_2)); RESISTOR #(.value(150)) Re2 (.p1(node2_1),.p2(node2_2)); RESISTOR #(.value(20k)) Rc (.p1(node3_1),.p2(node3_2)); CURRENT_SOURCE #(.value(0.5mA)) Ic (.p1(node4_1),.p2(node4_2)); BC547 #(.footprint(TO92)) Q1 (.p1(node5_1),.p2(node5_2),.p3(node5_3)); BC547 #(.footprint(TO92)) Q2 (.p1(node6_1),.p2(node6_2),.p3(node6_3)); Vcc #(.value(10)) Vcc1 (.p1(node7_1)); -Vcc #(.value(-10)) Vcc2 (.p1(node8_1)); GND (.p1(node9_1)); INPUT Vi (.p1(node10_1)); OUTPUT Vo (.p1(node11_1)); //To_Add_Placement_and_Nets endmodule
//Netlist_part2 module diffamp() begin; RESISTOR #(.value(150)) Re1 (.p1(node1_1),.p2(node1_2)); RESISTOR #(.value(150)) Re2 (.p1(node2_1),.p2(node2_2)); RESISTOR #(.value(20k)) Rc (.p1(node3_1),.p2(node3_2)); CURRENT_SOURCE #(.value(0.5mA)) Ic (.p1(node4_1),.p2(node4_2)); BC547 #(.footprint(TO92)) Q1 (.p1(node5_1),.p2(node5_2),.p3(node5_3)); BC547 #(.footprint(TO92)) Q2 (.p1(node6_1),.p2(node6_2),.p3(node6_3)); Vcc #(.value(10)) Vcc1 (.p1(node7_1)); -Vcc #(.value(-10)) Vcc2 (.p1(node8_1)); GND (.p1(node9_1)); INPUT Vi (.p1(node10_1)); OUTPUT Vo (.p1(node11_1)); `ifdef SCHEMATIC place #(.x(47300),.y(44500)) node1_1; place #(.x(46400),.y(44500)) node1_2; place #(.x(48600),.y(44500)) node2_1; place #(.x(47700),.y(44500)) node2_2; place #(.x(48700),.y(47800)) node3_1; place #(.x(48700),.y(46900)) node3_2; place #(.x(47500),.y(44200)) node4_1; place #(.x(47500),.y(43300)) node4_2; place #(.x(46300),.y(46400)) node5_1; place #(.x(46300),.y(45400)) node5_2; place #(.x(45700),.y(45900)) node5_3; place #(.x(48700),.y(46400)) node6_1; place #(.x(48700),.y(45400)) node6_2; place #(.x(49300),.y(45900)) node6_3; place #(.x(47500),.y(47800)) node7_1; place #(.x(47500),.y(43300)) node8_1; place #(.x(49300),.y(45900)) node9_1; place #(.x(45700),.y(45900)) node10_1; place #(.x(48700),.y(46600)) node11_1; `endif
//Netlist_part3_final module diffamp() begin; RESISTOR #(.value(150)) Re1 (.p1(node1_1),.p2(node1_2)); RESISTOR #(.value(150)) Re2 (.p1(node2_1),.p2(node2_2)); RESISTOR #(.value(20k)) Rc (.p1(node3_1),.p2(node3_2)); CURRENT_SOURCE #(.value(0.5mA)) Ic (.p1(node4_1),.p2(node4_2)); BC547 #(.footprint(TO92)) Q1 (.p1(node5_1),.p2(node5_2),.p3(node5_3)); BC547 #(.footprint(TO92)) Q2 (.p1(node6_1),.p2(node6_2),.p3(node6_3)); Vcc #(.value(10)) Vcc1 (.p1(node7_1)); -Vcc #(.value(-10)) Vcc2 (.p1(node8_1)); GND (.p1(node9_1)); INPUT Vi (.p1(node10_1)); OUTPUT Vo (.p1(node11_1)); net net1 (node0 ,node5_1); net net2 (node5_2,node1 ); net net3 (node1 ,node1_2); net net4 (node1_1,node2_2); net net5 (node2_1,node2 ); net net6 (node2 ,node6_2); net net7 (node4_1,node3 ); net net8 (node3_2,node6_1); net net9 (node0 ,node3_1); net net10(node4_2,node8_1); net net11(node5_3,node10_1); net net12(node6_3,node9_1); net net13(node3 ,node1_1); net net14(node11_1,node3_2); net net15(node7_1 ,node0 ); `ifdef SCHEMATIC place #(.x(47300),.y(44500)) node1_1; place #(.x(46400),.y(44500)) node1_2; place #(.x(48600),.y(44500)) node2_1; place #(.x(47700),.y(44500)) node2_2; place #(.x(48700),.y(47800)) node3_1; place #(.x(48700),.y(46900)) node3_2; place #(.x(47500),.y(44200)) node4_1; place #(.x(47500),.y(43300)) node4_2; place #(.x(46300),.y(46400)) node5_1; place #(.x(46300),.y(45400)) node5_2; place #(.x(45700),.y(45900)) node5_3; place #(.x(48700),.y(46400)) node6_1; place #(.x(48700),.y(45400)) node6_2; place #(.x(49300),.y(45900)) node6_3; place #(.x(47500),.y(47800)) node7_1; place #(.x(47500),.y(43300)) node8_1; place #(.x(49300),.y(45900)) node9_1; place #(.x(45700),.y(45900)) node10_1; place #(.x(48700),.y(46600)) node11_1; place #(.x(46300),.y(47800)) node0; place #(.x(46300),.y(44500)) node1; place #(.x(48700),.y(44500)) node2; place #(.x(47500),.y(44500)) node3; `endif
The following procedure outlines how a schematic is built from a verilog netlist. This constitutes the second part of the proposal [1]. It is mostly the inverse of parsing schematics.
Consider the voltage divider circuit netlist as written below.
module voltage_div (); //A simple voltage divider circuit as an example resistor #(.r(2k)) R1 (.p(p1),.n(p2)); resistor #(.r(1k)) R2 (.p(p2),.n(p3)); vsource #(.dc(10)) Vin (.p(p1),.n(p3)); endmodule
The augmented netlist is
//augmented_netlist_with_placement module voltage_div (); RESISTOR #(.r(2k),.sym(resistor-1.sym) R1 (.p(node11),.n(node12)); RESISTOR #(.r(1k),.sym(resistor-1.sym)) R2 (.p(node21),.n(node22)); VOLTAGE_SOURCE #(.dc(10),.sym(voltage-3.sym)) Vin (.p(node31),.p(node32)); net net1 (node12,node21); //this net is corresponds to net at pin p2 net net2 (node22,node32); //corresponds to net at pin p3 net net3 (node11,node31); //corresponds to net at pin p1 `ifdef SCHEMATIC //placing the nodes randomly as multiples of 100 //,not differing by too much and taking care that nodes of same device differ only in one of the x & y co-ordinated place #(.x(45200),.y(48100)) node11; place #(.x(43900),.y(48100)) node12; place #(.x(43800),.y(47000)) node21; place #(.x(42800),.y(47000)) node22; place #(.x(43800),.y(46400)) node31; place #(.x(43800),.y(47400)) node32; `endif endmodule module RESISTOR(pin1,pin2) begin; parameter string sym; parameter real res; electrical pin1,pin2; resistor #(.r(res)) R (.p(pin1),.n(pin2)); endmodule module VOLTAGE_SOURCE(pinp,pinn) begin; parameter string sym; parameter real dc; electrical pinp,pinn; vsource #(.dc(dc)) Vs (.p(pinp),.n(pinn)); endmodule
v 20100214 2 //components yet to be placed. N 43900 48100 43800 47000 5 //net1 N 42800 47000 43800 47400 5 //net2 N 45200 48100 43800 46400 5 //net3
node11=[45200,48100] node12=[43900,48100] for i in range(len(node11)): node_m[i]=(node11[i]+node12[i])/2 #that gives node_m=[44550,49000] #the resistor has pins at p1_abs=[0,100] p2_abs=[900,100] #So the pins' absolute positions are for i in range(2): p12[i]=(p2_abs[i]-p1_abs[i])/2 p1[i]=node_m[i]-p12[i] #p1=[44550-450,49000]=[41000,49000] and p2[i]=node_m[i]+p12[i] #p2=[44550+450,49000]=[45000,49000] dev[i]=p1[i]-p1_abs[i] #The device is the placed at 'p1'-'p1_abs' #this logic needs to be improved..
p11: (45200,48100) ; p12: (44100,48100) ; //device R1 p21: (43700,47000) ; p22: (42800,47000) ; //device R2 p31: (43800,46400) ; p32: (43800,47300) ; //device Vin R1 : (44100,48000) ; R2 : (42800,46900) ; Vin: (44000,46400) and rotated by 90.
v 20100214 2 C 44100 48000 1 0 0 resistor-1.sym { T 44100 48000 5 10 0 0 0 0 1 device=RESISTOR T 44100 48400 5 10 1 1 0 0 1 refdes=R1 T 44100 47700 5 10 1 1 0 0 1 value=2k } C 42800 46900 1 0 0 resistor-1.sym { T 42800 46900 5 10 0 0 0 0 1 device=RESISTOR T 42800 47300 5 10 1 1 0 0 1 refdes=R2 T 42800 46600 5 10 1 1 0 0 1 value=1k } C 44000 46400 1 90 0 voltage-3.sym { T 44000 46400 5 10 0 0 0 0 1 device=VOLTAGE_SOURCE T 44000 46800 5 10 1 1 0 0 1 refdes=Vin T 44000 46100 5 10 1 1 0 0 1 value=10 } N 45200 48100 45000 48100 4 //p11 N 43900 48100 44100 48100 4 //p12 N 43800 47000 43700 47000 4 //p21 N 42800 47000 42800 47000 4 //p22 N 43800 46400 43800 46400 4 //p31 N 43800 47400 43800 47300 4 //p32 N 43900 48100 43800 47000 4 //net1 N 42800 47000 43800 47400 4 //net2 N 45200 48100 43800 46400 4 //net3
[1] GSoC Proposal
[2] gEDA/gschem
[3] Schematic Attribute List : graphical
[4] File format specs : Schematic
[5] Blog contains weekly updates and documentation of the timeline for this project under GSoC.
[6] Github branch containing the old code.
[7] newer code